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Shala Courtesies


  • We request that you arrive on time to class.  It is useful to plan on being slightly early to set up your place in class.


  • Please don’t wear perfume, cologne, scented antiperspirants, shampoos, conditioners, or essential oils to class. People can respond to smells (artificial or natural) in ways that could distract them from the content of the class. It is appreciated if you shower before coming to class.


  • Please do not leave early. This is very disruptive to the group. If you must leave early, please notify the teacher at the beginning of class and avoid leaving during Shavasana (final relaxation).


  • Yoga mats, blocks, straps, and blankets are available. You are encouraged to bring your own mat.


  • Please no cell phones.


  • It is best to practice on an empty stomach.  Finish a full meal at least 2-3 hours before practice.


  • Yoga is not a competitive sport.  It will serve you best to take your time and exercise patience.

 |  2410 SE Crystal Lake Dr.  Corvallis, OR  |  541-231-2193

Rasa Yoga Shala

©  2015 Rasa Yoga Shala

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